books · meme

Favorite LGBT Romances

six for sunday

Six For Sunday is a weekly meme created by Steph @ A Little But A Lot. The meme was created to list 6 things we love/hate every Sunday. The prompts are mainly bookish.

I haven’t talked about my favorite LGBT+ ships since I started my blog and I wrote about my Top 3 favortie ships. You can read that post here. I didn’t go as much detail in this post as that one since I’ve talked about some of my favorites in that post.
books · meme

Recommending Some LGBT Books

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Six For Sunday is a weekly meme created by Steph @ A Little But A Lot. The meme was created to list 6 things we love/hate every Sunday. The prompts are mainly bookish.

This post contains major spoilers for all the couples I picked.
books · meme

Six For Sunday #3; 2018 Books Still Unread

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Six For Sunday is a weekly meme created by Steph @ A Little But A Lot. The meme was created to list 6 things we love/hate every Sunday. The prompts are mainly bookish but I will add things from TV shows also in certain prompts since I love to cheat.

I thought there would’ve been more books to choose from my TBR but I only had like fifteen books from 2018. Let’s take a look which six books I chose.
books · meme

Six For Sunday #3; Children’s Books I Love

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Six For Sunday is a weekly meme created by Steph @ A Little But A Lot. The meme was created to list 6 things we love/hate every Sunday. The prompts are mainly bookish but I will add things from TV shows also in certain prompts since I love to cheat.

This list could be called “ranking Rick Riordan books” – list since most of these are written by Rick Riordan.