books · discussion

Things I’m Exited For in My The Vampire Diaries rewatch


I’m rewatching The Vampire Diaries universe with Ruby @ Bookishly Ruby. We’re currently watching season four and since I need to try really hard not to spoil anything for her since this was the last season she saw and she never saw The Originals or Legacies.

Anyway, I thought listing things in a post instead of spoiling everything for her.  Might write a similar post for The Originals and Legacies too.

Note: This post includes spoilers for The Vampire Diaries.

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blogging · discussion

Book Bloggers Who Made My 2020

2020 was stressful to all of us, so I wanted to start 2021 with an appreciation post for bloggers who really were there for me. I hope I had spoken more to other book bloggers but unfortunately I’m bad at starting conversations but here’s a list of people I were the most grateful for.

It doesn’t mean I didn’t appreciate other bloggers since there were ton of those.