books · meme

I Heart Characters #3; Super”natural” Hottie


I Heart Characters! is a weekly meme hosted by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer to showcase our book blogger love for characters! Each week she’ll supply a topic and you’ll supply the character. Post on whatever day suits you, about characters from whatever media you love (books, movies, K-dramas, television, manga, anime, webtoons, whatever!) and link up on Thursday so YOU and others can blog hop and share the character love.”

This week’s The I Heart Characters topic is “Super”natural” Hottie” so I had to choose ‘a character who is drop dead gorgeous and from a supernatural race or less literally a sexually diverse character who is a hottie’.

I decided to go with a book character this time. I haven’t read Lux series in awhile and really need to reread them but I decided to go with Daemon Black. I could’ve chosen Adrian Ivashkov to this but I want to give other book characters some love.

Warning: This post contains spoilers if you haven’t read Lux series. 

Daemon is described to have emerald eyes, compared to the greenest of forests and raven black hair with long dark eyelashes, in which complements his tanned skin. It is mentioned in Obsidian that he walks around without a shirt on, even on winter.

Daemon isn’t hot only because how he looks but he’s also kind, thoughtful and incredibly sweet but that’s after you get over his arrogance mask.

Did I already mention that he’s an alien? His species is called Luxen and he has different powers because of this.

His eyes were beautiful when they met mine, luminous and clear, and a long moment stretched out between us. “I love you.”

Then there’s Daemon’s love for Katy. It’s so swoon worthy. Where can I get a guy like Damien for myself?

You can also find me in: Twitter | Goodreads

11 thoughts on “I Heart Characters #3; Super”natural” Hottie

  1. Jamsu I totally have this series on my massive TBR list… I hear about it often enough that right when I’ve forgotten about it I’m reminded that I really DO want to read it! ❤ Damien sounds like the best… walking around with his shirt off all the time, lol! I love arrogant guys who are also kind and sweet in their actions!! Thanks for the reminder that I really want to read this series!!

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