books · meme

Top 5 sporty books


Top Five Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads. This weeks topic was Top 5 sporty books.

 Royal Elite

Deviant King

This series might be a bully romance but the heroes of the series also play soccer.

Sleet Kitten

Sleet Kitten

Jackson is a famous ice hockey player and he was so sweet and possessive. This might be my all time favorite sports romance.

The Fighter’s Prize

The Fighter's Prize

The Fighter’s Prize is an insta love but it was such a fun read about an MMA fighter and the girl he falls for.

Spread Offense
Spread Offense

I think I should read more books from this series. This one is about an American football.



I honestly only read this one because of my family’s obsession for F1 but the first book was actually really good!

What books would you have picked? Have you read any of these?

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