
Blogween 2018


It’s time for Blogoween! If you didn’t know already, Blogoween occurs through October and I’m hosting it from 15th to 17th of October. You can find out more about it by reading this post.

You can read Clo’s original post about this @ Book Dragons. I’m just spreading the word.

What Is Blogoween?

Blogoween is an event where Book Bloggers can celebrate Halloween by posting daily prompts handed out by our many hosts, including me. Each day, a prompt will be released and you can either follow them or create your own. Prompts will be either Halloween or Autumn related. We will get to them later.

We created Blogoween after some people in our “New Bloggers” chat talked about Blogmas and I was like: “I’m not that into Christmas… it would be different if it was Halloween themed” and then before we knew it Blogoween was created 😉

  • Only Halloween/Autumn themed posts allowed
  • Book Reviews must be Halloween/Autumn themed OR Horror/Paranormal/Thriller/Crime/Mystery in genre
  • Can use Hosts prompts (if you want, totally up to you)
  • Feel free to create your own prompts just check the list further down to make sure yours isn’t similar to one of the hosts’.
  • Don’t post prompt posts before Hosts prompt date (e.g if you like a prompt on the 10th you can’t do it and post it before the 10th)
  • Must link back to hosts prompt post
  • Can post prompt after Hosts prompt date (e.g if it went up on the 23rd you could post it any day after)
  • Can post the prompt on the same day as Hosts if you want
How Do I Take Part?

You can sign up by filling this form. The hosts would like to follow and blog hop all participants. We also ask for you to post a “Sign-Up Post” about the event with the information you answered on the form. It helps spread the word and get even more participants and don’t forget to link back to the original post!


There will be three different levels for this event, and you can only choose one. Here are the three levels to choose from:

Level 1: 13 Days of Blogoween

  • Pick any 13 days to Post.
  • Posts Don’t Have to be Consecutive.
  • You Don’t Have to Post on Halloween.
    • But You Totally Can!

Level 2: 24th – 31st

  • Must Post on the 24th of October through 31st of October.
    • It is a Total of 7 Posts.
  • Posts Must be Consecutive.
  • You Must Post on Halloween!
  • You Cannot Change this Level.

Level 3: All 31 Days

  • You Must Post on All 31 Days!
  • If You Join this Level and Change Your Mind, You Can Switch to Level 1: 13 Days of Blogoween.
What Can I Post?

Here’s a list of types of post you can post:

  • Reviews
  • Discussions
  • Lists
  • Tags

All of these kinds of posts will count for the event as long as they’re Halloween or Autumn themed.

Hosts And Their Prompts

Host: Anthony @ Keep Reading Forward

Monday 1st
Prompt Title: Halloween Creatures Tag 2.0
Explanation: A tag based on popular Halloween Creatures 1.0 
Second Version will feature better prompts, possible new creatures (and some removed)

Tuesday 2nd
Prompt Title: Favourite Halloween/Fall Coloured Covers
Explanation: Gather your favourite book covers with Halloween/Fall colors, Orange/Black/Yellow/Red/Brown, and share in a post. Can also use books from your bookshelves and take a photo. Props are optional and encouraged. (can be an instagram challenge)

Wednesday 3rd
Prompt Title: Trick or Treat!
Explanation: Choose who and/or where they would like to go Trick or Treating!

Host: Kaleena @ Reader Voracious

Thursday 4th
Prompt Title: Top 5 Books about Witches
Explanation: List your Top 5 favourite books about witches

Friday 5th
Prompt Title: Creepy Crawlies
Explanation: Fictional monsters/creatures that you would hate to encounter IRL

Saturday 6th
Prompt Title: An Evening of Mystery & Murder (prompt inspired by Clue)
Explanation: You are hosting a Halloween-themed dinner party and seven of your favourite morally gray fictional characters and/or villains have accepted your invitation. Sometime during the party there is a murder, and there are only seven suspects – you and your guests. Who did you invite, who was murdered, what was the murder weapon, and where in the house did it occur?

Sunday 7th
Prompt Title: They Got My Back
Explanation: 5 characters you would want with you during the zombie apocalypse

Host: Camilla @ Reader In The Attic

Monday 8th
Prompt Title: Gory Magical Sweet
Explanation: Create one or more snacks (sweet or savoury) and a drink (if you want), all must be Halloween themed. Should be created with a mix of common food elements and parts of our beloved mythical and magical creatures. Just to be clear: things like rainbow unicorn sparkles aren’t gory. Get morbid.

Tuesday 9th
Prompt Title: Bookish Monster Bender
Explanation: You’re transported in various book but a bad surprise awaits you. Everything is horror and death, because a monster version has taken over the story.

Prompt objective is to do a monster bender version of book characters. You can choose who you want and imagine a dark horror version of their novel (you can add or not your ideas about the horror – re-written blurb or “how things went wrong”) and themselves. But the main thing to do is create a monster out of bookish characters. I suggest you look up on the internet a bit of the videogame Bloodborne monster aesthetic for inspiration. Oh, and don’t hesitate to add yourself to the scenery, survival weapons included. Or die.

Wednesday 10th
Prompt Title: Local Supernaturals Who Demand A Book
Explanation: Share your local stories of ghosts, supernaturals and what happens round your area. Either where you live, or nearby; can also share your own personal scary experience. These are the stories which you think, deserve their own novel – could add a blurb to the story. Can share as many stories as you wish as long they’re: horror/supernatural/scary/ghostly etc.

Host: Lauren @ Northern Plunder

Thursday 11th
Prompt Title: Spell List
Explanation: Using horror or halloween themed books create Book Spine Spells!

Friday 12th
Prompt Title: Loving the monsters always ends badly for the human
Explanation: Exploring and recommending my favourite creatures – vampires!

Saturday 13th
Prompt Title: 31 Horror Movies in 31 Days (2)
Explanation: I’m watching 31 horror movies throughout October; check out what I watched this week.

Sunday 14th
Prompt Title: Grimoire Notes
Explanation: A look into the horror books I’ve read so far this month, any reviews posted, thoughts on the books read, and what I plan to read throughout the rest of the month.

Host: Jamsu @ jamsudreams (aka me)

Monday 15th
Prompt Title: Shapeshifter
Explanation: Characters You’d Like To Dress Up As In Halloween

Tuesday 16th
Prompt Title: Love Spells
Explanation: Favourite Ships at least one must be a supernatural creature

Wednesday 17th
Prompt Title: Hexes & Curses
Explanation: 10 Characters You’d Curse

Host: Anna @ The Bursting Bookshelf

Thursday 18th
Prompt Title: Top 5 Non-Horror Halloween Movies

Friday 19th
Prompt Title: Top 5 Thriller books

Saturday 20th
Prompt Title: Top 5 Bookish Costumes

Sunday 21th
Prompt Title: Review of Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts
Explanation: It’s a new take on the zombie genre

Host: Sam @ Fictionally Sam

Monday 22nd
Prompt Title: The Sacrifice
Explanation: Characters or creatures that would die first in a horror film

Tuesday 23rd
Prompt Title: Bonded, Bewitched, Drowned
Explanation: Halloween version of Kiss Marry Kill with your favorite characters

Wednesday 24th
Prompt Title: Barely Breathing; Forever Haunted
Explanation: Books you’ve read that have left you emotionally crippled.

Host: Soph @ Bookwyrming Thoughts

Thursday 25th
Prompt Title: The Halloween Games
Explanation: Halloween-themed Hunger Games

Friday 26th
Prompt Title: What Spoopy Creature Are You?
Explanation: QUIZ (on the host blog), but everyone else can ponder what kind of spooky creature they would be

Saturday 27th
Prompt Title: Toil and Trouble
Explanation: Villain Halloween Theme – would you want a villain as a roommate, a villain as a companion in a haunted house, etc.

Sunday 28th
Prompt Title: I Summon Thee!
Explanation: Anything to do with resurrection – characters you wouldn’t resurrect, characters you would resurrect, etc.

Host: Clo @ Book Dragons

Monday 29th
Prompt Title: Halloween In A Fictional World
Explanation: pick any fictional world that you’d love to experience halloween in

Tuesday 30th
Prompt Title: Trapped With You
Explanation: characters I’d want with me if I were trapped in a haunted house

Wednesday 31st
Prompt Title: The Veil Is Thin
Explanation – The 31st Oct is supposed to be a day when the veil between our world and the otherworld, is at it’s thinnest. As such, it was originally a day to ward of evil spirits; what spirits are you hoping to ward off? (e.g. paranormal characters, evil characters, writers block, procrastination etc.)


Don’t forget to use #blogoween when you share your posts on twitter! I can’t wait to see all the awesome posts you guys come up with.

That’s about it! If you have any question you can comment below or DM me in twitter.

You can also find me in: Twitter|Goodreads

16 thoughts on “Blogween 2018

  1. I entered for level 2 but prompts leave me thinking hard! Do we have to invent a Quizz for example? Etc. But I bet it will be so much fun!


    1. What about them makes you think hard? You don’t have to invent a quizz. You can either make your own prompts (as long as they’re not too similar to hosts’ prompts) or use hosts’ prompts. Like in Day 1 you can do Halloween Creatures Tag or anything you want, like post a review. Just write the post and don’t forget to use #blogoween in twitter!


  2. So. Excited. !!!
    handy how you guys came up with prompts, I have planned 3 Halloween themed books so my review counts – but I will so need ideas.. haha so Thank you, y’all !!

    Also.. I won’t be doing blogmas either, i’m a late december baby who do not like christmas that much xD


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