books · meme

Top 5 Fantasy


Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme in Goodreads, where you list your top 5 for the week’s chosen topic. You can check the group here for more discussions and topics.

Lux Series


This series is very close to my heart and even though it’s young adult I love it.

Dark In You


To this day I’m grateful that Renee recommended this series to me. It’s my all time favorite demon series.

Blood and Ash

From Blood and Ash

I still remember refusing to read this series until Sam convinced me and if she hadn’t I wouldn’t have fallen for Poppy and Cas.

The Plated Prisoner


The Plated Prisoner is very toxic in the beginning but I pushed through and I’m so glad I did because the upcoming romance was so worth it.

Shifted Love

I normally don’t like shapeshifter books but if you’re ever in the mood for insta love with fated mates trope, I’d definitely try this one. They’re all novellas, so these are perfect before bed.

What are some of your favorite fantasy books?

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Fantasy

  1. YAS To FBAA! I’m so happy you loved that series as much as I did/do! Honestly the Lux series will forever go down as a classic in my books haha. Alsoooooo did I read correctly? Novellas? Adding the Fiona Davenport series to my TBR as we speak (or as I type haha) ❤


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