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Audio Book Review: A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne

A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne 
Series: Duskwalker Brides, #1
Genre: Fantasy | Romance
Age Range: Adult
Format: Audiobook
Source: My Copy
Published on June 16, 2022
Opal Reyne: Website | Twitter | Goodread

All Reia ever wanted was freedom.

Known as a harbinger of bad omens and blamed for Demons eating her family, Reia is shunned by her entire village. When the next offering is due and the monstrous Duskwalker is seen heading their way, her village offers her an impossible choice—be thrown into the prison cells or allow herself to be sacrificed to a faceless monster.

However, he is not what he seems. His skull face and glow eyes are ethereal, and she finds herself unwittingly enchanted by him.

All Orpheus ever wanted was a companion.

Each decade, in exchange for a protection ward from the Demons that terrorize the world, Orpheus takes a human offering to the Veil—the place he lives and the home of Demons. The brief companionship does little to ease his loneliness, and their lives were always, unfortunately, cut short.

He’d thought it was a hopeless endeavor, until he met her. She’s not afraid of him, and his insatiable desire deepens within every moment of her presence.

But will Orpheus be able to convince Reia to stay before she’s lost to him forever?

I have wanted to read this book since I first time I heard of it but I was afraid that I wouldn’t like it. Finally, I decided to listen the audiobook.

“I have desired you from the first moment you smiled at me, my little doe.”

A Soul to Keep is a story about Reia Salvias who lost her whole family, even the dog to demons and was labeled as Harbinger of Bad Omens ever since. The town people hated her so much that they made her be the volunteer to the duskwalker aka Orpheus. All he ever wanted was a companion and there was never a human he wanted like he wanted her.

Orpheus might be a monster but he’s such a sweetheart to Reia. He loved everything she did, even the way she said his name. He always gave her a choice and never made her do anything she didn’t want to do. It was refreshing to read about sweet hero. Not to say that Orpheus wasn’t possessive because he was and she was protective of him as well. He had never been loved and all he wanted was for her to love him.

All in all audiobooks always take me forever but I adored this monster romance! A Soul to Keep is a book about acceptance and inner beauty.  I found Orpheus’ powers interesting and I can’t wait to see what his so called brothers can do.


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