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Top 5 mums in books


Top Five Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads. This weeks topic was Top 5 mums in books.

Lia Volkov

Consumed by Deception

Lia Volkov was a great mom! She had her issues when she had mental issues but she always loved her children very much. I absolutely loved the little moments she had with jeremy when he was a child and she was so supportive with Annika and helped her deal with Adrian and Jeremy’s overprotectiveness.

Harper Wallis


Harper always loved her son and she was never afraid of his power. She was so protective of him and would’ve done anything for him.

Lily Calloway

Damaged Like Us

I feel bad Moffy for trying his hardest to be everything for everyone he loves, including her mother but that doesn’t change the fact that Lily was a great mother. She’d do anything for her children and she always felt bad for being a sex addict and how it affected her children.

Sally Jackson
The Lightning Thief

Sally Jackson went beyond good mom duties. She fought tooth and nail to keep her son alive, even married a horrible man so monsters wouldn’t be able to smell Percy.

Kellie Swartz


Kellie was really out of it since she didn’t know what was going on in Katy’s life but she tried her best with Katy. She really loved and cared about her daughter. She always wanted what was best for Katy.

What moms would you have picked? Have you read any of these?

2 thoughts on “Top 5 mums in books

  1. So happy to see my girlies Sally Jackson and Lily Hale here! ❤ I really need to read Krista & Becca Ritchie’s books about the Calloway kids. I just finished my reread of the original Calloway Sisters books last month, and I think Rose and Lily would both be amazing moms. ❤

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