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Buddy Read: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas 
Series: Throne of Glass, #1
Genre: Romance | Fantasy 
Age Range: New Adult
Hardcover, 406 pages
My Copy
Published on August 7, 2012
Sarah J. Maas: 
Website | Twitter | Goodreads

Meet Celaena Sardothien.
Beautiful. Deadly.
Destined for greatness.

In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake. She got caught.

Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament—fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she is about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin’s heart be melted?

I didn’t think I’d really reread this series again because it’s so fantasy focused but after rereading ACOTAR I knew I needed to even if only for one certain ship and Sam @ Fictionally Sam also wanted to read the series so here we are!

“You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.””

Celaena have been trained to be an assassin since she was eight years old and she lost her parents. She’s in a prison as a slave until Prince Dorian comes with an offer: become the king’s assassin and get freedom after four years. Celaena would do anything and go anywhere to gain her freedom, even through the Gates of the Wyrd and into Hell itself. I liked the fact that she liked killing people but she also liked wearing dresses. You can be both girly and badass at the same time. I think I enjoyed this book more now that I’ve read the prequel.

I didn’t like the idea of Celaena and Chaol together at all. He’s so nasty to her all the time just because she’s an assassin. He found her relatively kind, clever and somewhat charming despite her arrogance but still treated her the way he did, like thinking she deserved her scars. I don’t hate him but he annoyed me a lot and I couldn’t see the appeal of these two together. Celaena hates being told what to do and Chaol tried to do that a lot. Chaol gifting her a ring was kinda sweet, though.

Dorian and Celaena weren’t anything swoon worthy either but they were cute at times. I don’t think Celaena ever saw a future with him because of who his father was and how she’d rather cut out her own heart than love a Havilliard but Dorian was so sweet to her. But she did think how unfair it was that he was both royal and beautiful. I loved them sending letters to each other and how they both loved reading books. I loved the fact that Dorian wanted her to read some of his favorite books, so they could have something to talk about. I could’ve really get into this couple if Dorian didn’t seem like such a manwhore but I think he genuinely cares about her and wants to get to know her better. Too bad for him, she only wanted to be friends.

I think I’m liking Nehemia more every time I reread the series. She’s a good friend to Celaena, even with her secrets. I think part of the reason I like her more this time around is that I understood Celeana better and why it’s hard for her to trust friends. Talking about friends– I’m hoping to see more of Dorian and Chaol’s friendship in later books. We don’t really see much of it yet. They have been friends forever but mostly Chaol’s just trying to keep him away from Celaena and being jealous.

I’m sad Nox left this early in the series. I really liked him. I really like this world and how uncomplicated it is compared to Crescent City! I just wish it was more focused on the relationships, both romantic and platonic.

All in all so far I’ve got to say that I’m leaning more towards team Dorian over team Chaol but I still prefer her just being friends with them. I can’t understand people liking her with Chaol when not only he treated her like she was untrustworthy but when she was on her period, he ran away like she was contagious while Dorian send her candy and a puppy.

3 stars

You can find Sam in her: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads

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