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Tag: Reading Habits

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Kelly @ Struggling Bookaholic tagged me into this back in October. Look at me finally doing it 😀

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

In my bed. My room isn’t that big (yes I still live with my parents) and the only choices are either that or my uncomfortable computer chair.

Bookmark or random piece of paper?

I have a collection of bookmarks and I enjoy making them, so I always use bookmarks unless I somehow loose it while reading (I don’t really know how really) and I have to temporary put my phone, piece of paper etc until I find that bookmark again.

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?

I don’t have to stop after a chapter or amount of pages but it’s better if possible. I can’t stop in the middle of sentence, though unless I really, really have to, like if the class is starting and I can’t keep going.

Do you eat or drink while reading?

I rarely do. I usually stop reading while drinking water etc.

Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?

I can do it but I don’t want. I’m so focused in my books that I’m not really listening to music or I’ll miss something in TV and have to wind back. I don’t watch “normal” TV, instead I prefer netflix so this has happened to be few times.

One book at a time or several at once?

One book at a time. I sometimes have multiple books in my “currently reading” list but usually one of them is currently DNF’d since another book took my attention. I might continue that book after finishing the book that took my attention away. I also read several books if I have buddy reads and we have agreed not to past certain amount of pages.

Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere! I keep my current read in my bag 24/7 since you never know when you’re going to have time to read.

Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Silently! Out loud reading takes my voice away and makes my throat very dry. I only read out loud if it’s needed at school or at work. I might also read out loud for example if I find something funny in a book.

Do you read ahead or even skip pages?

Don’t shoot me but I sometimes skip some scenes or POV’s if I don’t care about them like I did with Emma and Julian scenes in the last The Mortal Instrumets book for example.

Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

I don’t mean to break the spine but paperbacks don’t really like me, especially the new ones. I’m still crying over my Tower of Dawn copy.

Do you write in your books?

Nope. I use sticky notes to mark certain quotes that I want to write down to a notebook later on. I also have a notebook for reading diary. This helps me to write reviews.

I tag

7 thoughts on “Tag: Reading Habits

  1. Thanks for the tag!! I often use post-it’s as bookmarks with physical books, but lately I’ve been on the ebook train since I’ve run out of bookshelf space. And I’m totally with you—I ALWAYS have a book on hand, and I do that reading-while-walking that many find annoying, but I can’t help it. ❤️


    1. books are the only thing i can focus on. with other things i need to multitask like listening music while cleaning or being with my phone while watching TV.


  2. This is a fun tag and I don’t ever read aloud, unless it is a gathering or something. I don’t think I can concentrate when I read aloud.


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